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Holy Basil Batman!

Holy Basil Batman!

Holy Basil Batman!

Holy Basil, Tulsi the Queen of Herbs as it is known in India, is a revered and treasured botanical. In Vedic medicine the 5000 year old medical legacy of Indian Holy Basil is said to help balance the chakra and open the energy system to an enhanced flow of prana.

This amazing supplement can easily be a part of anyone's health routine. I say this because it has many important compounds which can benefit human health. First: Holy Basil leaves are regarded as an anti-stress agent. Recent studies have shown that the leaves afford significant protection against stress. Even healthy persons can chew 12 leaves of basil, twice a day, to prevent stress.

Take the Edge Off
We live in some really challenging times and we are being tested in stretched in many ways by a variety of factors. Whether its our own personal challenges, or challenges from the outside, such as crazy weather or the economy. We are being asked to deal with a greater and greater levels of stress and still maintain a balanced life. One of the amazing attributes of Holy Basil is that it helps to take the edge off, it softens those tense feelings that get stuck in the musculature and start to disturb us mentally.

The main reason Holy Basil does this is because it reduces cortisol levels in the body. Cortisol is the stress hormone, the fight or flight chemical. And, when this is pumping through the body it is nearly impossible to relax. It makes us edgy, flighty and reactive to minor things, cortisol greatly decreases our quality of life in many ways. In a way Holy Basil may sound like a wonder herb and when used regularly is kinda is, we hear nothing but good things from people who use it. A sampling of whats we've heard from folks who use Holy Basil:
  • reduces minor inflammation and aches and pains
  • sleep better
  • more at ease with previously stressful situations
  • like a balm to the mind, helps me unwind
In India they have been using it for 5,000 years, they say it helps the mind reach enlightenment . . .

*The information in this blog post is not medical advice and this information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.
5 years ago