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3 Superfoods for Better Brain Power

3 Superfoods for Better Brain Power
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3 Superfoods for Better Brain Power

The world of optimal health has made us aware of many unique foods and herbs from around the world. From the array of herbs, berries, nuts and fruits to choose from 3 stand out. These 3 are Maca, Chocolate and Reishi, a root, nut and mushroom, each can be used to aid cognition and improve mental clarity. Each food/herb has it special range which it influences and each can be used on its own or in combination.

Maca - Maca has been cultivated and grown high in the Andes for thousands of years. This hard crop grows where no other cultivated crop can survive, flourishing at altitudes of 9,000 to 14,000 feet in extreme climate of cold winds and strong sunlight.

Maca's ability to increase one's mental capacity is due to the fact that it works directly on the hypothalamus and pituitary glands. It also has the healing power to rejuvenate the adrenal glands, which helps us cope with stressful situations.


Cacao contains over 300 beneficial chemical compounds. Some of the benefits of cacao are lost when the original source has been turned into conventional mass market treats. A good example of this is the common chocolate bars that have very low levels of cacao compared to other ingredients such as sugars, dairy, hydrogenated oils, soy, and artificial flavorings. The benefits of cacao are most potent in its raw form. So when using chocolate for enhanced brain power, skip the candy bar and go for raw cacao or high cacao content organic chocolate bars with little sugar. Cacao has been shown to increase levels of specific neurotransmitters in our brains that help promote a positive outlook, facilitates rejuvenation, and lifts our spirits. Some of the beneficial chemicals in cacao that help with this include:

  • Endorphins: Cacao stimulates the secretion of endorphins to produce a pleasurable feeling.
  • Serotonin: Cacao raises the levels of serotonin and acts as an anti-depressant, which helps promote a sense of well being.
  • Anandamide: Also known as the 'bliss chemical' as the brain releases ananamide when we feel happy. Cacao contains N-acylethanolamines that increase levels of anandamide in the brain and enzyme inhibitors that slow its breakdown. This helps promote longer periods of relaxation.
  • Phenylethylamine (PEA): A natural chemical compound created and released by the brain when we are in love. PEA acts as a mood elevator and anti-depressant, and helps increase focus and alertness.


Known in Eastern medicine as the "mushroom of immortality", Reishi is a medicinal mushroom that grows in various regions of the world where damp and temperate conditions exist. Reishi's ability to positively affect the mind comes from its ability to maintain equilibrium and help the body maintain balance. A balanced body is a sign of a healthy and properly functioning immune system, which will result in a healthy and positive outlook. Not only that, this healing herb's adaptogenic qualities provide us with an incredible ability to handle stressful situations which eases our anxiety and increases mental clarity. Reishi is also very antibacterial and antifungal, which helps clean up the digestive system and strengthens the vagus nerve connection from the gut to the brain, to increase mental clarity and capacity.

5 years ago