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Adaptogen R3 - A Potent Rhodiola Blend

Adaptogen R3 - A Potent Rhodiola Blend
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Adaptogen R3 - A Potent Rhodiola Blend
Adoptogen R3 is a potent blend of 3 different types of Rhodiola combined with Fo Ti and Ecklonia Cava. The concept of an adoptogenic substance is unique to herbalism. They are tonic herbs that can be considered super tonics, in the sense that they have a wide variety health benefits. Som herbs that fall into the adoptogenic category are schizandra, rhodiola, holy basil, gynostema and fo ti.

Rhodiola is a hardy plant found growing at high elevations in some of the colder regions of the world. It can be found in the mountainous regions of Russia, Central Asia, parts of North America and Europe. The most noted uses of Rhodiola are in Russia, Siberia and Scandinavia. The peoples of these regions use Rhodiola for its strengthening properties to get through the long cold dark winters.

Balance Restore and Protect

This is the role of adoptogenic plants, to balance, restore and protect the body from stress. The main stress hormone is cortisol and is know to wreak havoc on the body. Out of all the adaptogenic herbs available Rhodiola is perhaps the most widely studied of them all.
There are many phytochemical found in Rhodiola including essential oils and over 140 different compounds. Research indicates these compounds work synergistically to bring relief and are not beneficial when isolated and taken separately. To actualize the full potential of Rhodiola Adoptogen R3 contains 3 potent species, this insures a complete cross section of the vital Rhodiola compounds.
Some of the things Adoptogen R3 may be used for includes:
  • Suppressing the productions of cortisol
  • Restores normal eating and sleeping patterns after stress
  • Combats mental and physical fatigue
  • Protects against oxidative stress
  • Protects against heat stress, radiation stress and exposure to toxic chemicals
  • Uplifting moods and combating depressive states of mind
Some the the folk benefits of Rhodiola include strength, endurance, fatigue, colds, depression, anxiety, anemia and impotence to name a few. Considering the host of modern day stresses we all suffer from a little Rhodiola in our life may help to make our lives just a little bit better.
5 years ago