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Aid Digestion with Bitters - Herbal Medicine

Aid Digestion with Bitters - Herbal Medicine

Aid Digestion with Bitters - Herbal Medicine


What is a bitter?

A bitter tastes bitter in flavor. Classic bitters are dark chocolate, coffee, dandelion, gentian and greens. Many traditional cultures encourage the inclusion of all 5 flavours in the diet, upon the belief that each flavor has a particular effect on the body. As human beings we have evolved eating food growing in the wild that has a bitter component, such as bitter greens and barks. Our palate has evolved to become acquainted with sweet and salty food and bitterness has become unfamiliar.

What are Bitters for?

Optimising digestive function, digestive bitters are crafted from high quality blends of certified organic Vermont herbs and roots and are complimented by select exotics. Digestive bitters prime digestion while refreshing the palate with passionate flavour.Employing a gentle and calming formula, digestive bitters are recommended for occasional morning sickness and stress-related digestive issues.

Use of Digestive Bitters

Engaging the digestive system, Bitters alert the body through taste. To stimulate healthy digestion, enjoy approximately ¼ teaspoon (1.2 mL) of our bitters before or after meals, or to curb a sugar craving (not to exceed 8 times per day)! Start small in your serving. Everyone's body is different, and many people find that a very small serving can be quite sufficient. If the bitter taste is especially rare in your diet, your digestion will fire up with just a very small amount of the bitters. Use the mouth spray for a convenient way to spritz the bitters directly on the tongue.
Zebra Organics has acknowledged a growing demand for our digestive products. We are now offering a new, fast-acting digestive aid. Brand new to our store are Handcrafted Organic Digestive Bitters by Urban Moonshine.
We have four fantastic flavors of digestive bitters: Original, Citrus, Maple, & Chamomile - available in a travel-sized mouth spray bottle.Original, Citrus and Maple flavors consist of the same basic ingredients with slightly different flavoring; the Original tastes the most bitter, the Citrus has some nice citrusy notes and the Maple has a touch of organic maple syrup. The Chamomile bitters are our only bitters formula that contain chamomile, and they are free of citrus, fennel, & essential oils, so that they can be enjoyed occasionally during pregnancy and by individuals with sensitivities.Also new to our store is a Sage and Spilanthes throat spray. A unique and pleasant formula designed to soothe and numb, Urban Moonshine's Throat Spray uses a combination of herbs that support a healthy, relaxed throat and also provide a refreshing, gentle tingle.
We, as a naturally-oriented Health Food store, along with many herbalists believe that good digestion is one foundations for good physical health.
To find out more about Bitters, watch this video by the team at Urban Moonshine.
5 years ago