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Green Pastures X Factor infused Coconut Oil

Green Pastures X Factor infused Coconut Oil
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Green Pastures X Factor infused Coconut Oil
A Truly Amazing Product - From A Truly Amazing Company! Green Pastures are real innovators and their commitment to quality is rare and unsurpassed. With no further ado we are proud to introduce their newest product: Blue Ice infused Coconut Oil. Healthy fats are crucial to a healthy body and we know coconut oil is one of the healthy fats around. And, it makes an excellent carrier for other fats. By combining fermented cod liver, skate liver and butter oil with coconut oil Green Pastures has created a truly dynamic new product whose sum is greater than any of the single ingredients. Coconut oil is one of the best known carrier oils. Coconut oil by-passes the liver and assimilates into the blood stream and assists other nutrients along the same path. Organic Coconut oil makes the Blue Ice and X-Factor oils more digestible and assimilable. Each serving will be 65% min coconut oil, 2+/-ml of Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil, and .5ml +/- of X-Factor Gold High Vitamin Butter oil and / or Blue Ice Skate Liver Oil.

What are the benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids?

  • alleviation of pain
  • reduces inflammation
  • prevents excessive blood clotting
  • enhanced cognitive function
  • important for fetal development
  • boosts mood
  • regulates cholesterol and triglyceride
Omega 3 fatty acids are part of a group of fats known as Essential Fatty Acids. They include omega 3,6 and 9 fatty acids. They are known as 'Essential Fatty Acids' because the body cannot synthesize them and they must be obtained from food or by supplementation. Omega 3 fatty acids are found in both fish and certain plant oils. The difference is omega 3's from fish contain DHA and EPA and omega 3's from plants do not contain DHA or EPA. The body can convert the elements of plant based omega 3's into EPA and DHA.* But with fish oi they are readily available to the body for immediate use.

What are the benefits of fermented fish oils?

  • Wide spectrum of Vitamin A components*
  • Wide spectrum of Vitamin D components
  • CoQ enzymes, Vitamins E and K
  • more nutrients per tablespoon than regular fish oil

Skate Liver Oil and its Unique Compounds

Squalene has antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties as well as being a potent carrier of oxygen into cells. By carrying oxygen further improvement in organ function through cellular metabolism, preventing the acidotic cell syndrome where cells become acidic, deteriorate and die due to lack of oxygen. Alkoxyglycerols are a components of human breast milk (0.1%), helping to build up disease resistance in babies. They are found in bone marrow (0.2% of the lipids) and the spleen, and are involved in white blood cell formation, important in immune function. Research undertaken by Swedish researchers Hallgren et al identified that alkoxyglycerols activate and enhance the bodies immune system and diminish harmful side effects from radiation therapies.
Wisdom of Dr. Weston A Price Greener Pastures follows the wisdom of Dr. Weston A. Price. It was his early research of the diets and nutritional make-up of several different cultures that is credited with discovering the relationship between the healthy well-being of people and the “sacred foods” they ate, especially the oil from raw fermented cod livers. He found that many cultures relied on this fermented cod liver oil for a strong mind, body, and spirit. Green Pastures Blue Ice infused coconut oil comes in two flavors. Either Unflavored or Carob Banana each 27.5 bottle contains approximately 100 servings.
5 years ago