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Health Basics in 4 Parts Part 1 - Water

Health Basics in 4 Parts Part 1 - Water
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Health Basics in 4 Parts Part 1 - Water
The aim of this series of posts is to bring you simple easy to use and understand health principles. One may say they are foundational aspects to general health and well being. Over the next few weeks I will outline 4 basics from which you can build a healthy lifestyle upon. This week I will talk about hydration, included in this post is information about MegaHydrate an extremely potent supplement which increases cellular hydration.

The Four Basics for Optimal Health

1.) Hydration
2.) Protein/Collagen
3.) Blood Sugar Balance
4.) Rest/Emotional Balance

1.) Hydration: Water is the Source of All Life

Would you believe that our flesh, bones and organs account for only about 30% of who we are? This body which we identify with is mostly water. Take away the water and your left with a hollow shell. Similar to those toys I played with as a kid where you just add water and voila, the lifeless flat little thing took shape and assumed form. But, we are more dynamic than that, we are more like seeds. In us each of us exists a huge potential but without water nothing gets actualized. So I invite you to consider who and what you are and the importance of water in you life.

Not only are you mostly composed of water, you can’t live more than three to five days without water. Water is necessary for the body’s biochemical reactions to work properly, to bring nutrients to cells, remove waste products, regulate temperature, and more. The optimal amount of water consumption varies between individuals. Generally speaking, it is wise to drink half your body weight in ounces (e.g. 75oz. for a 150 lb. person) or one liter per fifty pounds of body weight. Filtered (from a high-quality filter) or glass-bottled water are generally best. For the most part, avoid plastic-bottled water because of chemicals and for the sake of the environment.


Staying properly hydrated is one of the most important things in life and Dr. Patrick Flannagan knows this. His Mega Hydrate product contains bio available hydrogen ions which are potent free radical scavenger antioxidants that help you stay hydrated. MegaHydrate does this by unlocking the potential of water as the medium for nutrient replenishment and cellular waste removal. Dehydrated body cells cannot assimilate nutrients or remove waste. Cellular waste build up can lead to worsening of painful conditions like arthritis or fibromyalgia. MegaHydrate also helps fight the negative effects of alcohol, stress, caffeine and free radicals as part of aging.

Stay tuned for the next in this 4 part series, Protein/Collagen.

In Health,

Mark D'Aquila
5 years ago