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Minerals for Healthy Bones

Minerals for  Healthy Bones
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Minerals for Healthy Bones

Bone is living, growing tissue that is constantly remodeling. It is continuously breaking down and rebuilding, essentially replacing itself as most tissues in the body. In order to properly rebuild bone, certain nutrients are necessary. From a macro perspective, the composition of bone is made up of minerals (~70%) and protein (~30%). Without minerals, bone would bend and be malleable like a piece of clay. And without protein (or collagen) bone would shatter like a piece of glass hitting hard pavement.

In this post we will cover the main minerals for overall bone health. Please note this is a list of the main minerals, there are a host of minor or trace minerals that support bone health and density.

Many of the minerals in this list are available in angstrom sized liquid form Mother Earth Mineral's.
Angstrom sized particles are 1/10,000th of a micron and bond with the hydrogen molecules in the water to form an ionic solution. The ionic charge is opposite of the charge of the intestinal walls, which allows the minerals to be automatically drawn to the walls of the intestines, and are absorbed at a near 100% absorption rate.

Mother Earth Mineral's process duplicates the dynamic and intricate processes of nature. This produces a mineral nutrition delivery-system in line with nature's own design. Previously, only plants and nature her self had the ability to reduce minerals (metals) to angstrom sized ionic particles, the form necessary in order to be absorbed and usable by the body.

Calcium – This is the most abundant mineral in the body. We all know calcium is a necessary component of bone, and about ninety-nine percent of the body’s calcium is found in bone. This abundant mineral can be found in a variety of foods and herbs. One excellent whole food herbal source of calcium is nettles. Nettles is a common spring herb, besides being a great source for calcium it is rich in trace minerals.

Phosphorus – This is the second most abundant mineral in the body, and about eighty-five percent of the body’s phosphorus is in bone. Despite its essential nature, it is rarely something that needs to be supplemented, and excessive amounts of phosphorus may actually be detrimental to bone. However, it is generally accepted that a ratio of 10:4, calcium to phosphorus, should be maintained for healthy bone density.

Magnesium – This mineral is not as abundant as calcium or phosphorus in bone. However it is still considered important due to its role in calcium and bone metabolism. Magnesium is found in a variety of foods, with cacao or raw chocolate being a very good source for dietary magnesium.

Iron – Iron is important more as a co-factor in building collagen, the main protein makes up bone. This is a macro mineral that is easy to come by in diet with supplementing often being unnecessary.

Zinc – Like iron, zinc plays an important role as a co-factor (in several enzymes) necessary for bone formation. The first enzyme is alkaline phosphatase which is necessary for bone mineralization to take place. Zinc is also a co-factor in reactions involving the enzyme collagenase, essential for the protein-containing portion of bone. Another one of zinc’s crucial roles (for the entire body) is in allowing for the proper formation of DNA. This is because zinc is necessary for the enzyme DNA polymerase which is involved in the replication and repair of DNA (the cellular blueprint); thus cellular growth. An excellent source for dietary zinc is pumpkin seeds and some shell fish.

Copper – This mineral acts as a co-factor in the enzyme lysyl oxidase. This enzyme works to ensure that amino acids involved in the production of collagen are properly (cross)-linked, which contributes to the mechanical strength of collagen. This is another mineral needed in trace amounts, your best source being dark leafy green vegetables.

In the next section we will cover vitamins and other nutrients needed for proper bone health. Seeing the bones as healthy, living parts of the body can add to our sense that we need to care for them properly. Bones are our structural support foundation, they help us live an upright life.

5 years ago