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Mission Playgroud

Mission Playgroud
Posted in: Events

Mission Playgroud

Wow! I got'a say, this past weekend's Eco Gift Expo was everything it promised to be. There was a general feeling of authenticity and unity at the expo. The diverse range of people who came together in Santa Monica, a few days ago, seemed to be there because they genuinely want to raise their eco-consciousness. We met person after person who was beaming with an inspiring story to tell, a great product to offer, and/or a moving idea to share.

One such cool soul is Mark, the founder of, organic clothing company, Mission Playground.

The cool thing about Mark, and the folks at Mission Playground, is that they are about creating awareness through their environmentally conscious and globally mindful designs.

They say... "The Earth is our Playground, our mission is to preserve it."

So, inline with our mission of featuring products you can trust to support a green, healthy, globally conscious, organic lifestyle, we suggest Mission Playground's organic clothing. For other products you might enjoy visit Zebra Organics store.

We love this quote from Mission Playground...

There are few things more important than family. Our Mother Earth has cared for us since the very beginning and Father Time is with us until the very end. Along the way, we share this playground with our many brothers and sisters. Whether bird, bear or butterfly, whale, dolphin or squirrel, man, woman or child, we are all in this together and the sooner we realize this the better off we'll be. Thanks for being part of the family...

5 years ago