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Coping with the Holidays Part 3 - Overeating

Coping with the Holidays Part 3 - Overeating
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Coping with the Holidays Part 3 - Overeating

Last but not least in our 3 part series Coping with the Holidays is Overeating. The act of overeating unfortunately seems to be a holiday past time but it may actually be the worst of all indiscretions.
Overeating takes an unprecedented toll on the GI tract and liver and contributes to the same harmful reactions which alcohol and sugar have on the body. The liver processes everything that goes into the digestive tract and excessive food is particularly taxing. When you combine this with alcohol and sugar it’s a recipe for serious harm to your health. Even if you don’t consume alcohol and sugar, overeating is still very tough on the body.

The best solution to this (holiday or not) is to chew your food thoroughly and slowly no matter how good it tastes. A mindful way to eat to help prevent this is to set your fork or spoon down between each bite. You’d be surprised how much quicker the satiation response kicks in to your conscious mind and prevents you from wanting that second serving. If the food is so incredible and you must have another serving, consider taking digestive enzymes to take the burden of your digestive organs and help break your food down more readily. I hope this helps you enjoy the upcoming holidays in a healthier, more enjoyable way. And don’t forget the most important health factors for the holidays (and every day) – lots of fun, smiles, laughter, and spending quality time with those you love.

These suggestions are offered in the spirit of care and concern. They are not offered as license to engage in acts which harm you health and body. I offer these knowing that some of us, myself included become less discerning during the holidays. It is as if the holidays offer us license to disregard our health in certain ways. Knowing that cultural conditioning is strong these suggestions are meant to be a reminder to take extra special care this holiday season.

5 years ago