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Posts tagged 'digestive enzymes'

Sunfood Beauty Enzymes

As one of the most potent enzyme formulas on the market, Sunfood Beauty Enzymes help you attain optimal health and wellness while rejuvenating aged skin and internal organs. In tests, Beauty Enzymes have been shown to be seven times more potent than most enzyme products and are acid resistant, leaving the precisely grown enzymes fully active and efficacious across the wide range of pH in the digestive system.
5 years ago

Premier Digest Digestive Enzymes

There is a common phrase: "You are what you eat." While to some degree this is true. A more accurate statement would be "You are what you eat, digest and absorb" because without the later two it doesn't really matter what you eat. One of the best ways to insure you are properly digesting all your food is to take digestive enzymes with every meal.
5 years ago

Coping with the Holidays Part 3 - Overeating

Last but not least in our 3 part series Coping with the Holidays is Overeating. The act of overeating unfortunately seems to be a holiday past time but it may actually be the worst of all indiscretions. Overeating takes an unprecedented toll on the GI tract and liver and contributes to the same harmful reactions which alcohol and sugar have on the body. The liver processes everything that goes into the digestive tract and excessive food is particularly taxing. When you combine this with alcohol and sugar it’s a recipe for serious harm to your health. Even if you don’t consume alcohol and sugar, overeating is still very tough on the body.
5 years ago