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Health Basics Part 3 - Blood Sugar Balance

Health Basics Part 3 - Blood Sugar Balance
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Health Basics Part 3 - Blood Sugar Balance Clear Stevia Glass.jpg
In terms of lifestyle adjustments one should get serious about one's sugar intake, this is a fact that cannot be overlooked. There are NO two ways around this, once this is a addressed you will start to see the health results you dream of. You need to greatly reduce your sugar consumption and if possible totally eliminate it from your diet.

Don't take my advice try it out for a two weeks and see how great you feel. This will have a positive impact on your hormones. When you are off the blood sugar Yo Yo ride your energy level will normalize and your stress hormones will drop, you will love it I guaranteed. I understand this can be difficult to hear and difficult to do but persevere and you will be many steps ahead in the game of health. To learn more about this visit the blog Agave, Stevia and The Glycemic Index. Stevia is a natural sweetener that will not upset your blood sugar balance, unlike regular cane sugar.

So what is the wisdom behind such an approach? Research is constantly uncovering the importance of blood sugar levels and its relation to overall health and with this research comes the fact that keeping your blood glucose levels from spiking throughout the day leads to greater overall health. In my earlier post on Agave, Stevia and the Glycemic Index I illustrated the blood sugar swings. I will now go over this again in relation to breakfast.

When you skip breakfast you set your system up for unregulated blood glucose swings and you also upset your apatite. When you eat low glycemic foods for breakfast you prevent your blood sugar levels from spiking. This keeps your blood glucose levels even throughout the day, so as the day goes on you experience less fatigue, tiredness and need for snacks. These shifts are more than they seem to be on the surface, whereas it just seem like you are hungry, there is a complex hormonal process happening. And, when this complex hormonal process is off balance from improper diet for an extended period of time you end up with health conditions that could be averted. You can refer to last weeks post about protein for some insight on some good sources.

When blood sugar isn’t properly regulated, a cascade of destructive, inflammatory reactions occur which negatively affect your immune, digestive, circulatory, hormonal, musculoskeletal, nervous system and more. So consider skipping sugary breakfasts for something simpler and protein based. Even some smoothies and fruits can be loaded with sugar that upsets the bodies glucose balance. All this information is shared in the spirit of health to support you in feeling better and living a happier life.
5 years ago