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Posts tagged 'fermented foods'

Miso Soup: It Does a Gut Good

Keeping your gut in check is important for overall health and wellness. The gut microbiome, also known as gut flora, controls the digestion of food, your immune system, central nervous system and other bodily processes. There’s a common saying that goes, “when your gut is happy, you’re happy.”

2 years ago

Cultured Food Festival Round-Up

Our team was delighted to have shared our gourmet and organic foods at the Cultured Food Festival at the Highland Springs Ranch and Inn on February 23 and 24, 2019. But hang on, what are cultured foods, you ask? "Cultured" essentially means "fermented." Cultured foods have undergone a process through which they are broken down, usually by bacteria, yeasts or fungi. There are so many different types of cultured food, including yogurt and cheese. Initially produced as a way to preserve foods, cultured foods not only enhance flavor; they have an array of additional health benefits, including fostering gut health by strengthening your gut microbiome. They are packed with good bacteria and they are becoming more and more popular today.
5 years ago

Cultured Food Festival Round-Up

But hang on, what are cultured foods, you ask? "Cultured" essentially means "fermented." Cultured foods have undergone a process through which they are broken down, usually by bacteria, yeasts or fungi. There are so many different types of cultured food, including yogurt and cheese. Initially produced as a way to preserve foods, cultured foods not only enhance flavor; they have an array of additional health benefits, including fostering gut health by strengthening your gut microbiome. They are packed with good bacteria and they are becoming more and more popular today.
5 years ago

Fermented Foods For Immunity and Digestion

Humanity has used fermentation as a way of preserving food for centuries. From Sauerkraut in Germany to Kimichi in Korea, cultures around the globe have been eating fermented foods for a long time. The process of fermentation involves natural bacteria feeding on the sugar and starch in food creating lactic acid, a natural preservative. Fermentation is the only type of food preservation that doesn't destroy certain nutrients, create more nutrients and enhance others.
5 years ago