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How to Lower your Cholesterol Naturally

How to Lower your Cholesterol Naturally

How to Lower your Cholesterol Naturally

Diet can be hugely responsible for lowering your cholesterol and improving heart health. More than 100 million Americans suffer from high (LDL/bad) cholesterol (above 200 mg/dL) which can block arteries and lead to heart attacks and strokes. We'd like to share some cholesterol-lowing approaches with you that will reduce the risk for heart problems. Exercising while eating plenty of the following foods is a powerful combination that will help maintain healthy cholesterol levels.
Salmon and fatty fish are loaded with vitamins and minerals such as Protein and healthy Omega-3 fatty acids that help to protect against an array of diseases. Research has shown that in addition to its high protein content, fish is low in calories and contributes to lowering cholesterol.
According to a study by Harvard's School of Public Health, eating two 3-ounce servings of fatty fish a week (such as salmon, mackerel, herring and sardines) decreases the risk of heart disease by 36 per cent. Try cooking fish with fresh garlic to add flavor. Garlic will also help lower cholesterol and blood pressure and prevent blood clotting.
?Preferably grill, broil, steam or grill your fish than choosing to fry, sauté or deep fry it. If you aren't familiar with cooking fish, The Washington State Department of Health offers some advice and suggests some simple, healthy recipes -here-.
Nuts, particularly walnuts, have been found to lower overall cholesterol by 5.4 per cent when 1.5 ounces are eaten 6 days a week for a month. Almonds and cashews are also great choices but be aware that nuts are high in calories, so try to avoid going over the recommended amount by measuring out your portion size.
Tea is high in antioxidants and is a fantastic defence against high cholesterol, as it has been shown to reduce blood lipids by up to 10 per cent within a 3-week period. See this -link- for the organic green tea we recommend.
Chocolate also contains antioxidants which prevent blood platelets from sticking together and it may also help with preventing the clogging of arteries. A study suggests that consuming cocoa powder over 12 weeks will increase HDL levels by 24 per cent. This is healthy cholesterol and the higher the number, the better. Be sure to choose dark chocolate over milk chocolate, which has three times as many antioxidants and eat it in moderation. Read our post Food Fight: Milk vs Dark Chocolate to find out more.
?Other ways to lower your cholesterol are eating oats for breakfast, as they contain a substance called beta-glucan that absorbs bad cholesterol. You can also add (more) beans to your diet, which may include black, kidney or pinto beans, as they are rich in fibre which helps to slow the rate of absorb ion of cholesterol in some foods.
Spinach is a great salad base and with avocado and an olive oil dressing, you have a heart-healthy meal. Olive oil and Avocado are rich in healthy fatty acids. Like nuts, avocados should be eaten in moderation as they are quite high in calories. Why choose spinach over another green? Research suggest spinach assists in reducing the risk of heart attacks by strengthening artery walls to defend against bad cholesterol.
5 years ago