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Posts tagged 'Omega 3 fatty acids'

Top 10 Foods to Fuel the Brain

Our diet can impact our mood, concentration and memory. Keep your precious brain functioning at its best with these top ten foods for brain health. After all, it’s the brain that controls most of our body’s activities so it’s important we feed it the right fuel.
5 years ago

Beneftis of Extra Virgin Hemp Seed Oil

There are certain fats that your body requires. These fats are called essential fatty acids. They play an important role in many of your bodily functions. They are needed to keep you cells healthy, your skin supple and to keep your brain boosted to name a few. Essential fatty acids are also referred to as omega fatty acids. The most common omega fatty acids are Omega 3, 6 & 9. The intake of these oils should be in a balanced ratio to keep the body healthy and to avoid a fatty acid imbalance.
5 years ago

Health Benefits of Oceans 3 Omega Fish Oil

Some of the health-giving attributes of the omega-3 fatty acids as found in Garden of Life's Oceans 3 include the following: regulation of inflammation, alleviation of pain, prevention of excessive blood clotting, maintenance of the integrity of cell membranes, reduction in elevated cholesterol and triglycerides, optimal fetal development, reduced cardiovascular risk factors, anti-cancer properties, better cognitive function, reduced incidence of depression, among many others.
5 years ago

Omega Fatty Acid Balance - Hemp Seed Oil

There are certain fats that your body requires. These fats are called essential fatty acids. They play an important role in many of your bodily functions. They are needed to keep you cells healthy, your skin supple and to keep your brain boosted to name a few. Essential fatty acids are also referred to as omega fatty acids. The most common omega fatty acids are Omega 3, 6 & 9. The intake of these oils should be in a balanced ratio to keep the body healthy and to avoid a fatty acid imbalance.
5 years ago

Vitamin D for the Winter

Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin most known for its role in maintaining proper bone health and density. It is a necessary nutrient produced in the body through the skin's exposure to the sun. General daily sun exposure is usually enough to maintain healthy levels of this vitamin. In winter when the sun is not in the sky as much and we are not outside as much using vitamin D supplements may be an option.
5 years ago

Fish Oil the power of Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Omega 3 fatty acids are part of a group of fats known as Essential Fatty Acids. They include omega 3,6 and 9 fatty acids. They are known as 'Essential Fatty Acids' because the body cannot synthesize them and they must be obtained from food or by supplementation. Omega 3 fatty acids are found in both fish and certain plant oils. The difference is omega 3's from fish contain DHA and EPA and omega 3's from plants do not contain DHA or EPA. The body can convert the elements of plant based omega 3's into EPA and DHA.* But with fish oi they are readily available to the body for immediate use.
5 years ago

How to Lower your Cholesterol Naturally

Diet can be hugely responsible for lowering your cholesterol and improving heart health. More than 100 million Americans suffer from high (LDL/bad) cholesterol (above 200 mg/dL) which can block arteries and lead to heart attacks and strokes. We'd like to share some cholesterol-lowing approaches with you that will reduce the risk for heart problems. Exercising while eating plenty of the following foods is a powerful combination that will help maintain healthy cholesterol levels.
5 years ago

Sources of vitamin D for mood support

Cod Liver Oil and Vitamin D will help support mood, especially during winter months. Cod Liver Oil is one of those time-tested remedies, that your parents and grandparents may have talked about. It has been used as a food and medicine for centuries. Reports indicate ancient Vikings would store cod livers in caskets to ferment.
5 years ago

Immune System Support Part 3

Since we've covered some basic ground on setting the stage for a healthy immune system lets look at some key supplements for long term well being.
5 years ago