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Immune System Support Part 3

Immune System Support Part 3
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Immune System Support Part 3

Since we've covered some basic ground on setting the stage for a healthy immune system lets look at some key supplements for long term well being.

Omega-3 fatty acids:

Omega-3 fatty acids cannot be synthesized in normal human metabolism and must be obtained from food or supplements. These fats play an important role in the cell membrane and the receptor sites that bind hormones and neurotransmitters.

Supplementing with the long-chain EPA and DHA, the kinds of omega-3 we find in seafood, provides the body with deep neurological and immunological support. These powerful long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids balance the omega 6:3 ratio and create an anti-inflammatory reaction in the body. Which helps calm the immune system and keeps working in a balanced and harmonious manner necessary for long-term health.

A top supplements rich in Omega 3 fatty acids including the important EPA and DHA is Ocean's 3 by Garden of Life. Ultra pure, high potency fish oils have become widely known and embraced by the medical and scientific community for their support of cardiovascular, brain and nervous system health. Oceans 3 is formulated using fish oils carefully purified using a multiple-stage molecular distillation process which concentrates EPA and DHA and removes environmental toxins.

Reishi Mushroom:

Reishi mushrooms are a source for beta-glucan a powerful immune-stimulating compound. Beta-glucan is a polysaccharide made up of multiple sugar molecules linked together. Beta-glucans are known by scientists as "biological response modifiers" that bind to the surface of innate immune cells, which allows the cells to have better coordination in their attack. This reduces the tendency toward auto-immune reactions and hyperinflammatory activity when the body is under attack.


Our intestinal system and mucous membranes (sinuses, respiratory tract, etc.) are lined with billions of bacterial colonies. Recent research indicates we have 10 times more microbial cells than human cells! There are literally trillions of microbial cells on body and inside the body. This makes microbial balance on the most important things we can focus on. Being a host to so much microbial life means we should encourage and nurture the progenic or probiotic bacteria. Because they work in symbiosis with us (help promote life) and discourage pathogenic bacteria. Pathogenic bacteria when not kept in check creates toxic waste and promote disease in our body.

To ensure a good balance of probiotic colonies eat fermented foods and supplement with probiotics like Jarrow-dophilus. Supplementation has been shown to modulate the immune system and reduce whole-body inflammation and they have also been shown to improve immune strength and help prevent the common cold and flu as well as other bacterial and viral conditions.


Vitamin D3:

Vitamin D deficiency is a current epidemic affecting 90% of our world's population. According to vitamin D expert Michael Holick, MD, PhD, "We estimate that vitamin D deficiency is the most common medical condition in the world." It is clear that most people are not getting enough healthy sun exposure. Vitamin D has been shown to suppress most elements of the adaptive (inflammation-mediated) immune system while inducing most elements of the innate immune system. Vitamin D3 supports adaptive immunity and provides a line of defense against invading microorganisms and strengthens innate immunity.

5 years ago