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Posts tagged 'probiotics'

4 Herbal Supplements for Mood Support

Lots of people struggle with low mood and depression. And while there is a place for antidepressant medication, the side effects and withdrawal symptoms can be concerning for the small benefits that are typically seen. It’s also worth noting that milder mood symptoms don’t always respond as well to standard treatments (Penn 2012).

3 years ago

3 Health Tips to Boost Well-being in Fall

With the changing of the seasons the summer heat begins to fade and numerous crops are harvested. We look forward to enjoying fall flavors including apples, pumpkins, squash, and sweet potatoes. Trees change from greens to vibrant yellows, oranges and reds. As much as there is to enjoy during the fall, there are also changes that can affect our health.

4 years ago

Cold and Flu Prevention

This time of year, it’s not unusual for people to get sick. While hand washing is important to help prevent colds and flu, there are some natural approaches with research backing their use in reducing the incidence and/or severity of colds and flu.
4 years ago

Immune System Support Part 3

Since we've covered some basic ground on setting the stage for a healthy immune system lets look at some key supplements for long term well being.
5 years ago

New Study: Yogurt Reduces Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Yogurt is a great source of calcium, probiotics and protein. Protein-rich foods are satisfying, as they keep you full for a longer period of time. Yogurt has a low glycemic index (GI), which means the sugar is absorbed into your blood stream slower than high GI foods. This helps your body burn fat most efficiently and it works to stabilise your energy levels.
5 years ago