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Posts tagged 'healthy immune system'

Urban Moonshine Throat Spray

I can always tell when my immunity is a bit low when I get that out of the blue tingle in my throat. It is a subtle yet obvious warning sign that I need to attend to my health. The throat is exposed and is a pathway for air which carries a host of organisms. So keeping the throat healthy is good way to keep the body healthy. If we tune to our body we head off a deeper illness before it takes root. And, having Urban Moonshine Sage and Spilanthes spray handy can help as well.
5 years ago

Immune System Support Part 3

Since we've covered some basic ground on setting the stage for a healthy immune system lets look at some key supplements for long term well being.
5 years ago

9 Ways to Improve Immune System Function

During the thick of winter unsavory microbes are active. These unsavory microbes can only take root and proliferate in a body with a weakened immunity. The word "immunity" basically translates to "protection". There are many supplements you can use to support your body and things you can do to increase overall resilience.
5 years ago